Advanced AI solutions for CRM marketing personalization
HackCRM models are focused on deep analytics of customer and behavioral data from CDP/CRM systems to predict, influene and optimize behavior of your customers
Micro-clustering is an approach that scales RFM framework using a broad range of your customers features to cluster them into small homogeneous groups. With AI generated growth hypotheses for each segment your CRM efforts become x10 more effective. Get a tool for understanding your clients and visualizing segments in a flexible BI editor
Having probability of a certain valuable action (trial, conversion, purchase etc) for each customer opens new marketing strategies. It's also an insight generating AI machine pushing clients smoothly via the funnel. Maximize their LTV via precise CRM and Performance ad efforts, increase accuracy, timing and value of all your promo communications.
AI analysis of the past CRM communications and their results reveals the strongest behavior drivers that appeal to unique people. Among tens of them (FOMO, Story, Salience etc) find the best mix for every customer. Use AI-gened communication structure (design, offer, style) that each client is more likely to respond to.
A tool for conducting JTBD interviews in a conversational form. An AI assistant in a 5-7 minute conversation with each client identifies his/her main needs and "jobs" for which they are considering "hiring" the brand or have done so in the past. The successes of the JTBD methodology in product analytics and feature development are actively transferred to the CRM space.